
Bug Goes Sledding and more....

I love this cute little Bug in it's walnut sled :-) As my time for making and sending off my Christmas cards is running out I had to come up with some fast and easy ones as well ... So today will be the last day for me making Christmas cards....hope so...

Happy Winter!

This is another card I made as member of the Roses on Paper DT. Again one of the cute Elizabeth Bell images which are available at Summer's shop Roses on Paper . I'm really taken by them :-) Noch eine Karte die ich als Mitglied des Roses on Paper Design Teams gemacht habe. Wieder mit einem suessen Motiven von Elizabeth Bell, die ihr in Summer's shop Roses on Paper findet. Die haben's mir angetan :-) Supplies/Material (highlighted supplies are available at Roses on Paper ) Stamp/Stempel: Lizzy - Whiff of Joy Paper/Papier: Basic Grey (Two Scoops) , DCVW (Christmas Stack and Mat Stack Earth) Other/Sonstiges: Punches/Stanzer (EK-Success, Emagination, Marvy Uchida), Snowflake Sticker, Dew Drops , ribbon/Band (KI Memories), eyelets, hemp cord/Hanfschnur, metal embellishments.

Confirmation Invitation

Einladung zur Konfirmation My daughter Kim's confirmation is coming up in spring, so I'm working on the invitations right now to sent them out early. Color and design according to Kim's wishes :-) Meine Tochter Kim hat Konfirmation im Fruehjahr. Das sind die Einladungskarten die ich momentan mache damit sie fruehzeitig verschickt werden koennen. Farbe und Ausfuehrung nach Kim's Wuenschen. :-) Supplies/Material Stamp/Stempel: Inkadinkado Paper/Papier: K&Company, HOTP Punch/Stanze: EK Success - Martha Stewart Collection, Emagination, Knorr-Prandell Other/Sonstiges: Spellbinders Nestabilities, ribbon/Band, eyelets, Cuttlebug, Stickles Glitter Glue ( ).

Great Blog Candy at Craftingmagic's

You definitely have to check this out! The dear Rosette from Craftingmagic's Crafting World has a great blog candy to give away for her 5000. hit. She has even 2 prizes, 1 for her followers and 1 for everybody. Don't miss that, check it out right away! Here's a little teaser for you, a picture of one of the prizes:

Key Ring

Schlüsselanhänger Supplies/Material Stamp /Stempel: Whiff of Joy "Melinda Hugging Heart" (you can buy these wonderful stamps at Roses on Paper colored with Prismas and Gamsol on shrink plastic / coloriert mit Prismastiften und Terpentinersatz auf Schrumpfplastik-Folie Other/Sonstiges: Spellbinders Nestabilities, beads/Perlen, silver wire/Silberdraht, Stickles, key ring / Schlüsselanhänger


I always wanted to make gift boxes. They are really fast and easy to make and lots of fun! Ich wollte schon immer mal so Geschenkschachteln machen. Sie gehen einfach und schnell und machen jede Menge Spass! Supplies/Material Stamp/ Stempel: Stampin up! colored with Prima Pencils and Gamsol/coloriert mit Prima Buntstiften und Terpentinersatz Paper/Papier: Bazzill Other/Sonstiges: Spellbinders Nestabilities, Cuttlebug snowflake and star punch, stickers, ribbon, decorative eyelets, stickles glitter glue

Folding Card with Poinsettia

Aufklappbare Karte mit Weihnachtsstern Supplies Stamp: Alota, colored with distress ink and Twinkling H2O's Paper: Bazill and The Paper Company Other: Spellbinders, Ribbon, Stickles, Sticker, Rub-ons, Rhinestones Material Stempel: Alota, coloriert mit Distress Ink und Twinkling H2O's Papier: Bazill und The Paper Company Sonstiges: Spellbinders, Band, Stickles, Sticker, Rub-ons, Glitzersteinchen

Lizzy with Chocolate Box

Lizzy mit Pralinenschachtel Isn't she adorable? I love this image! Ist sie nicht hinreissend? Ich mag das Motiv sehr! The following supplies where used for this card - all highlighted material is available at Roses on Paper : Stamp: WOJ Lizzy with Box of Chocolates colored with Distress Ink. Paper: Basic Grey "Gypsy" , DCWV Other: Nestabilities, Punch from SU and EK Success (Martha Stewart), Prima Flowers , Prima Center Kisses , Ribbon, Lace, Stickles , Buttons, Eyelets. Folgende Materialien habe ich fuer die Karte verwendet - alles hervorgehobene ist auch bei Roses on Paper erhaeltlich: Stempel: WOJ Lizzy with Box of Chocolates coloriert mit Distress Ink. Papier: Basic Grey "Gypsy" , DCWV Sonstiges: Nestabilities, Stanzer von SU und EK Success (Martha Stewart), Prima Flowers , Prima Center Kisses, Band, Borte, Stickles , Knoepfe , Eyelets.

Christmas Angel from WOJ

Weihnachtsengel von WOJ The following supplies where used for this card - all highlighted material is available at Roses on Paper : Stamp: WOJ Christmas Angel colored with Distress Ink. Paper: Debbie Mumm, DCWV, Bazzill Other: Nestabilities, Cricut, Punches from EK Success (including Martha Stewart), Prima Flowers , Ribbon, Sticker, Stickles , Dew Drops , Eyelets, Brads. Folgende Materialien habe ich fuer die Karte verwendet - alles hervorgehobene ist auch bei Roses on Paper erhaeltlich: Stempel: WOJ Christmas Angel coloriert mit Distress Ink. Papier: Debbie Mumm, DCWV, Bazzill Sonstiges: Nestabilities, Cricut, Stanzer von EK Success (auch Martha Stewart), Prima Flowers , Band, Sticker, Stickles , Dew Drops , Eyelets, Brads.

Roses on Paper - I'm so happy!

Finally I got the time and quiet to tell you all about the good news! Summer from Roses on Paper has put together a design team and .... can you believe it .... asked me to be on her Team as DT member. Yippieeee .... I am so happy about it. :-))))))) I really couldn't believe it when I got her mail! This is my first assignment on a DT and I am really excited about it and proud as well. Summer is a super nice person and the best shop owner you can imagine. Want to know what her Shop Roses on Paper is all about? Just check it out for yourself - click me !! She provides outstanding customer service, answers all emails very quickly and ships out the products lightning fast! But there is more.... I want to introduce to you my fellow DT members. These ladies are all so talented and I am lucky to get to design together with them. Anki Jodi Lim Peta Rosette Susan Make sure you check their blogs, they got awesome creations there! So you can expect a lot of nice things going on next year!

Artey Pico Award

Von der lieben Annett habe ich diesen Award bekommen. Vielen lieben Dank dafuer, ich habe mich maechtig darueber gefreut! I got this award from my dear crafting friend, Annett . Thanks a lot Annett, you made my day! :-) Ok und weiterreichen moechte ich diesen Award an Manu , sie macht wunderschoene Sachen, schaut doch mal auf ihrem Blog vorbei! I give this award to Manu , check out her blog!

Candles decorated with stamped images

Kerzen mit Stempelmotiven verziert I always wanted to try decorating candles with stamped images. It was a lot easier than I first thought. I stamped the image of Herb (from Whiff of Joy) on tissue paper, then colored it in using my Colour-Soft Pencils and Gamsol. Using wax-paper and a heat gun I adhered the image to the candle. As well as the snowflake swirls and the sentiment. Then I decorated the candle with a punched paper strip (using my snowflake border punch) and a ribbon. Kerzen mit gestempelten Motiven verzieren wollte ich schon immer mal ausprobieren. War sogar einfacher als ich dachte. Das Motiv von Herb (von Whiff of Joy) habe ich auf Seidenpapier gestempelt und dann coloriert mit Coloursoft Stiften und Terpentinersatz. Mit Hilfe von Wachspapier und einem Heissluftfoen habe ich es dann auf die Kerze aufgebracht. Ebenso die Schneeflocken-Swirls und den Spruch. Dann habe ich die Kerze noch dekoriert mit einem Papierstreifen den ich mit meinem Schneefloken Randstanzer gestanzt