Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten

Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten to all of you! I will take a little break from blogging and crafting until after New Years. I need to re-charge my creative juices ;-) I hope all of you have wonderful holidays together with your families and friends. Here is the last Christmas card I made this year. It's more on the simpler side. This super cute Tilda image was a gift from my dear friend Claudia ! Thank you so much sweetie :-) So fun to make a card with a Magnolia image again...haven't had time to use my Maggies for quite some time. Need to change that in the new year.... Thank you all for always visiting my blog through out the year and leaving me such nice comments! <3 Merry Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year to all of you! Luv 'n hugs,