hAnglar Challenge # 03 - A Sketch Challenge!

Happy Sunday Friends! Welcome to our 3rd fortnightly hAnglar challenge over at our 'lovely hAnglar only' challenge blog!  Wonderful Marina from Marina's Karten-Kiste is our host this time. She drew a wonderful sketch for us to use and it was so much fun working with it. I hope you'll have as much fun playing with it as I did! So come on and join us for this awesome sketch challenge! All challenge details are available on our challenge blog HERE

For my card I used the cute baby girl from hAnglars stamp kit #5. I colored her with Copics and used DP from Basic Grey and My Minds Eye. CS is Best Occasion. The paper roses are from Whimsy Stamps, Michaels and Prima. I also added lots of Stickles to the flowers and card to add some bling. WHich I really love lately...LOL. The Punch I used is the 'Garden Trellis' deep edge punch from M.S.

Copics used:

E000, E01, E11, E13, E31, E25, E50
RV0000, RV000, RV00, RV11
R000, R21
C00, C0, C1

Hope to see you entering our challenge! Thanks for dropping by here today!



  1. OHHH SO SWEET AND VERY VERY CUTE! I want to play this time with you all.Thanks for the inspiration,RubyM:)

  2. oh wow this is just stunningly beautiful,hugs cheryl xxxxx

  3. Oh so sweet !!!,
    I really love this baby in white !!!
    Mag :)

  4. So beautiful card Iris,i love the image and the papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Just gorgeous and oh soooo adorable!!!

  6. Gorgeous card! Love your coloring and design! So pretty!

  7. Die Karte ist Dir supergut gelungen - die zarten Farben passen so wunderbar zum hÄnglar-Baby und die liebevolle Gestaltung machen es rundum perfekt.

    Wünsche Dir einen guten Start in die Woche
    Liebe Grüße

  8. So very beautiful, I love it.
    louise xx

  9. Deine Karte ist wieder ein Traum!
    Die zarten Farben und die schönen Details passen perfekt zu diesem süßen und wunderbar colorierten Baby.
    (Da möchte frau doch gleich nochmal Mama werden ;O).)

    Liebe Grüße


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